Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Busy, Busy, Busy. Im on my nerd ish as of late, trying to stay on top of my school priorities. All I think about is school and music, not much time for anything else. Ive been lookin at worldstar and onsmash.com and I'm noticin alot of the local rappers n whatnot from DFW(Dallas, Fort Worth...and Arlington, I guess) are making moves to be seen on a larger scale. I feel like they are representive of what a lot of people listen to where I'm from, but I don't think they encapsulate it all by any means or anything close. Everything comin out of the area has been club, jiggin, d-town boogie geared records. I mean and thats cool that theyre getting exposure but what I'm wonderin is how will 35oz be perceived because thats not what we do or the type of music we want to make. I'm not knockin but its not us, theres another side to DFW that we represent. Me and Splinter have discussed many times that we don't know how people we receive since we're not the norm. I'm just thinking for the future and hoping that people will keep their minds and ears open to more than what they are used to seein in the area and comin out of it.

* My throne

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